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The 2019-2020 Varsity Dance Team
As the Westfield High School Varsity Dance Team walks towards the 50 yard line, the crowd erupts with excitement, as they know they are in for a treat. The music starts, and the dancers start moving with spectacular twists, turns, and the classic kickline. The dance team thrives off of the sound of roars and cheers from the crowd and delivers an amazing halftime show.
The Varsity Dance Team is a group of sixteen talented performers that bring entertainment to Westfield. Though an underrated and overlooked part of our school, they work very hard to ensure that we all have fun and are able to watch lively performances. Between multiple practices a week, competitions, and school, these performers work hard to do what they love – dance!
Rebecca George, 12 , says, “I like that were all super close. Were like one big dance family. And its super fun at practices but we know when to work hard.”
The dance team members can choose two different pathways on the team. Either they can choose to be a member that performs at halftime shows and pep-rally only, or they can add competitions to their schedule. The schedule of a performance only member is having practice three times per week with two days off. If a member decides to add competitions to their plate, then their schedule would be a total of five practices per week.
This all quickly becomes a very busy schedule. In order to balance school and dance, the dancers try to do their work whenever they can fit it into their schedule, their goals being to succeed in both school and dance.
The dance team brings different elements to Westfield High School. It brings a sense of family within the team, and heightens the spirit of the school.
Isabelle Cogan, 9, says, “It’s really helpful cause you get like, friends, especially when your new you get like close to people, and you know people that can help you out around the school and stuff.”
This hard work really pays off to get the entire gym to roar at a pep rally.
Kelly Elson, 12, says, “I like the spirit that we bring to the school, I think it’s really empowering to see everyone cheering us on and dressing up for our game days.”
Before the Varsity Dance Team goes on to perform either at school or in competition, they do a little pre-show ritual for good luck. The team will point their right foot in a circle.
George says, “We point our right foot into a center, and just have a little pep talk.”
“We power each other up,” says Cogan.
It might be small, but it works, as the team has won numerous competitions and done great at many shows in our school.
After the lights go out and the music stops, the dance team is not done. Their journey still continues as they walk off the field. They continue to work hard every week to repeat the same process of exciting the crowd and showing their non-stop abundance of school spirit every week.
The Westfield Varsity Dance Team is a talented group of dancers who perform at halftime shows, pep rallies, and competitions. Their love for our school translates into their love for dance, which helps heighten the excitement of school events and offers much to admire. Westfield High School.