. By this time in January, the excitement of the new year has already turned into despair as students return to school. New Year’s resolutions are easily broken and forgotten, left incomplete like a missing assignment.
. But will 2025 be the year for seniors to step up their game and check off their goals? It is our grad year, after all.
. When asked about her New Year’s resolution, Lakshita Kamireddy, 12, responded, “I told myself I wouldn’t eat fast food for the first month, but I kinda failed—though we don’t need to know that.”
. She explained, “My brother went to Mexico with his friend and was showing off his food and I got jealous.”
. Amulya Karur, 12, agreed, “No. I don’t even bother making resolutions because I know I’m not going to keep them.”
. Sriya Bapatla, 12, explained her goal was to “stop being late to class.” She was unsuccessful.
. According to Drive Research, of those who set New Year’s Resolutions “just 9% of Americans actually keep their resolutions throughout the year.”
. This really makes one wonder if these people are using their SMART goal template sheet that apparently is so fundamental to society that it is basically engrained in every single student’s head leading up to high school.
. When asked if she used the SMART goal method to plan her goal, Kamireddy responded, “Smart goal, what’s that?”
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About the Contributor

Reet Bhangu, Editor-in-Chief
Hi! My name is Reet and this is my fourth year taking Journalism. I enjoy writing news articles and irony pieces.