.Every freshman that had Mr. Laub loves him. I’m Positive that if I threw a party for people that love Mr. Laub, there would be 1.5 million in attendance. Throughout my years at elementary and middle school, I’ve always wanted to commend my astounding teachers for their exceptional work. If you are wondering, that’s what I’m doing now. For, my second teacher appreciation article, I will be doing Kevin Laub. He is a SEL teacher, he teaches English 9, film study 1 & 2 and not to mention He is the chair of the English department, if you ask me he’s very important. Even though Mr. Laub is a little bit older now. He was still a child once before, and since Laub gave me a lot of information about himself, let’s get right into it.
.Laub grew up in Staten island in New York city in a suburban neighborhood outside of Manhattan, New York, he grew up loving reading and writing at a young age but also loved watching movies and tv shows, he went to college in upstate New York called Binghamton university, When he went to college thinking of being premed, and he did a semester and a half and realized he hated it, and also wasn’t good at it. He switched to an English major and he says it was the best decision he probably has ever made. After he graduated he worked on wall street and then 9/11 happened, Rest in Peace to everyone that died in that tragedy. He moved to Virginia in 2003 where his wife influenced him to become a teacher, and that’s what he did! He has been a teacher at Westfield High School ever since. Outside of school Laub likes to watch movies, spend time with his family but his most favorite thing to do is to go see movies in theaters and loves seeing musicals. He has a message for student teachers: “it is the hardest job in the world, you have to have a lot of patients, you have to really want to do it, you have to love working with kids and love the subject that you go into, as hard as you think it is it is fifty times harder, but as hard as it is I don’t think there is anything more rewarding than getting to work directly with kids as there growing up and evolving into young adults”. Laub votes teaching Highschool 10/10 and it depends on the day. Thank you Mr. Laub, for everything you do for this school, you love the school and we love you back, you have made so many people great everyday by the things that you do day in and day out. I interviewed some kids about what they think about Laub and they said things like, “He is awesome, a great teacher, great guy”. And one student said: “ thank you Mr. Laub for everything that you have done for me, you really shaped me into the person I am today, you aren’t one of those “ I hate my job” type of teachers, your one of those “I love my job” type of teachers, you come in your job everyday facing challenges and terrible students but yet you still somehow keep a smile on your face, Thank you Mr. Laub”. As a student of Laub, I can 100% agree with what everyone said about you. Thank you.