. In this day and age I feel like anything good is being outweighed ten times by something bad. I constantly hear adults say that Gen Z is going to fix the world but how? We have an attention span of a goldfish or even shorter. Everywhere I go I feel like gen z and gen alpha are crazy. For example Gen z went on to Tik Tok and started to create fake diseases for clout and think that they won’t get backlash, Gen Alpha kids who decided to mess with Sephora products samples, worst of all people are using AI for crazy stuff, for example AI images of Taylor Swift’s body. Need I say more?
. In this day and age there are many self entitled parents teaching their children they are special, turning them into literal goblins that believe that they can get away with anything but their slag is another. With Gen z most of the slang was shortened and could be easily pieced together, but alpha slang is something else. The article “gen alpha is here. Can you understand their slang?” from the New York Times from Madison Malone Kircher. Madison Malone Kircher talks about the slang sigma and she said that “it is something related to wolves” an all i have to say it what? Throughout the article I feel this dread and tiredness. Talking about this somewhere she just gives up to explain something and says just watch it.
. I feel like I’m going insane everytime I go on the internet. I see someone talking about how crappy the world is, like how kids are listening to inappropriate songs at a young age, seventh graders have the reading level of a fifth or fourth grader and the rich are messing with the poor. So the question is am I clinically insane or do other people agree with me so I will ask two questions.
. Do you think the world is done for? along with Why? The results may not shock you.
. Most of them agree saying yes, some saying the world is ending but there was one that stood out because he elaborated a lot.
. “The world is doomed and there is nothing to do. A lot of things changed back then like the 18 century people worried about sickness but now were worrying about nuclear fallout. I mean there are good things like the cat Mr. Fresh but at the end of the day yes the world is slowly coming to its end” TJ Craypoff, 12.
. The writers for the article “AI and the (realistic) end of the world” and “education and its funding.”
. I interviewed them and they said, “the advancement of technology is much faster than human evolution the industrial revolution happen a century or two and now kids are wrap up in technology and big corpors are going crazy advancement in technology is like a coin good and bad and like always it is leaning towards bad,” Chrissy Eldredge, 10, said
. “The world is ending because people are getting dumber” Alina Rashid, 11.
. To end this off I want to say that each generation is going to be even worse than before and there is nothing to do to stop it. Previous generations can not pass on their problems without a way to fix it or help the next generation. If the previous generation doesn’t pass on the necessary skill it may be lost to history or it will be even hard to learn. We as a generation have to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and try to make the world a better place. We can not deny the truth but accept the truth but most of all learn from our history and mistakes. So be a good motherfucker and become the best person you can be.