. Many people are familiar with Lethal Company, a hit video game that features spooky, terrifying creatures that follow you. This is unexpected from the creators of Lethal Company, considering their first video game was a funny horror game. The game we’re discussing is called The Upturned. In this game, you have died and are now ascending a tall hotel to reach your room, which is on the 1434th floor. Along the way, you will face weird and wacky monsters.
. It doesn’t take long to realize that The Upturned is a weird comedy game. When you enter your name, there is no backspace button, so everything you input is permanent, and you may end up with a misspelled name. You play as a little dude who meets the owner known as “Ik,” the man who helps you ascend the hotel. He informs you that your room is on floor 1434, and there are no stairs, only the elevator. He gives you a phone and sends you on your way. But the elevator breaks down, and you hit the ceiling and floor multiple times, leaving you with only 1 hp. This is the humor in the game – inexplicably funny and really random. The main mechanic is to be able to pick up anything and throw it at other things. You start your ascent of the hotel by collecting fuses from each level and encountering weird enemies. Between floors, “Ik” will call you with odd reasons like “I heard boss music” or “let’s take a friendship quiz.”
. In The Upturned, there are many enemies, such as chompers, crows, Fat Pajama Man, and mannequins. All are interesting enemies with their own characteristics: mannequins attack you relentlessly, chompers attack you but fall flat after you throw two things at them, and crows can help you make jumps on a specific floor, letting you jump high and slowly fall down to the ground. However, you will sacrifice most of your health to let them on you.
. As you ascend the hotel, you learn about both your and Ik’s death, along with the mystery of the hotel, such as what year you were born, your life before you died, and how you died. However, I won’t go into much detail as this is supposed to be a review article about The Upturned, and comparing it to Lethal Company.
. I judge and compare The Upturned and Lethal Company based on three factors: replayability, gameplay, and game mechanics. For replayability, I would give The Upturned 3/5 because it is story-driven, and you would know the twist in the end. It has extra levels, but those are concept levels. For Lethal Company, I would give it a 4/5 without mods. You can expect something new even if the monster doesn’t change. For gameplay, The Upturned gets a 5/5 because you can never know what comes next after each floor, while Lethal Company gets a 3/5. When playing alone, it becomes a bit lonely because there is no one to joke around with, and you are always stressed to make a quota. Finally, for game mechanics, The Upturned gets a 4/5. Being able to pick up anything and throw it away up to 10 meters is interesting because you could throw anything like an entire sofa. Lethal Company gets a 2/5. Without mods, the gameplay becomes a bit boring, but mods can make it interesting, or you can play with friends. In conclusion, The Upturned scores 11/5, while Lethal Company scores 9/5. Give The Upturned a try because the game is worth it, and you may enjoy it with its random humor and lore.