Like every sport, gymnastics is both mentally and physically difficult. Most people think that it is extremely easy when in reality it is actually one of the most difficult sports in America. Athletes have to ensure that every routine whether it be beam, vault, or floor is perfect.
Jenna VanBuren, 10, has been doing gymnastics since she was 5 years old. “I train about 8 hours a week for high school gymnastics, and have been on the team since my freshman year,” she stated.
Like any good sport, the gymnastics team trains until their routines are the best they can be. Melissa Mills, Westfield Gymnastics Team head coach, told me, “The team practices Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday every week. Practice is typically 2 hours.”
A good mentality is crucial in gymnastics, especially before a meet. Ariyah Culbreath, 12, voiced “If you overthink too much about a meet, you’ll sike yourself out, so I don’t tend to think much. I only think about the outcome.”

The team had their first meet on November 29, at James Madison High School. The team placed second out of four schools, securing their second place spot by just 2 points. Culbreath, who’s been on the team since her sophomore year, reflected, “I think the meet went amazing. We all did what we were supposed to do and locked in for each other. We supported one another after each event, whether we competed that event or not”. If that isn’t the true meaning of a team, then I don’t know what is!