(Photo courtesy of Creative Commons)

Photo courtesy of Creative Commons


October 29, 2021

          In the 1800s, Walt Whitman—a.k.a. “Our Great American Poet” –used his voice to celebrate our nation’s diversity. Proclaiming, “I Hear America Singing,” Whitman painted vivid pictures of this melting pot we call America. His verses capture an ideal deeply embedded in our creed: that we all have a place in the choir. 

Whitman also conveyed a passionate awareness that the journey involves challenges. Our “song” is often an ode to overcoming those challenges. 

This column provides a voice to Westfield students and staff who wish to share their trials and triumphs, paying tribute to our collective spirit of resilience


I have always been lost,

Constantly beating myself up over the small things

And not being able to congratulate myself for the big ones.

In the process of battling my own insecurities and sense of self-worth, 

I’ve found myself to be entranced by the hydrangea’s everlasting beauty.

The way it withers in the winter

And resurrects in the summer with purples and blues captivated me.

I am one with a hydrangea,

As I continuously scour to find myself and prosper periodically.

Like a perennial, I will flourish and be the best me I can be,

Maybe not now, but eventually.

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